Including all Kids – Webinar organized by Saving Brains

Saving Brains had organized a webinar on Including All Kids, practical experiences of including children living with disabilities in early childhood opportunities on 31st May 2023 at 6 to 7.30 PM IST.

Three NGOs presented on this topic viz

  1. Ubongo
  2. Amar Seva Sangam
  3. Healthprom

Amar Seva Sangam’s work on promoting inclusion of children with disabilities through Enabling Inclusion Program was presented by Navamani Venkatachalapathy, Lead- Implementation of Enabling Inclusion Program.

The discussions were focused on

  • Why inclusion matters for us
  • Practical way of engaging with existing materials, programmes, or systems to create a more inclusive space
  • How progress towards the goals have been evaluated.

42 persons from 14 countries participated in this webinar.

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