Founded on October 10, 2016, in alignment with World Mental Health Day, Feathers is a not-for-profit development organization based in Madurai, Tamil Nadu with a mission and a vision of creating an inclusive society marked by equality, equity, and humaneness. Promoted by a dedicated group of development professionals with deep grassroots experience, Feathers is on a journey to transform the lives of children with special educational needs . In this blog, we’ll delve into the heartwarming work Feathers is doing and its resolute commitment to nurturing the physical and mental well-being of future citizens and how Amar Seva Sangam has decided to help them in their efforts. 

## Poonthalir: Early Intervention for Developmental Delays

Feathers’ Poonthalir program is a community-based early intervention initiative that focuses on children diagnosed with developmental delays. Through a comprehensive approach involving physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and special education, Feathers aims to improve delayed milestones in these children. By addressing cognitive, daily living, adaptive, social, and emotional skills, they pave the way for a brighter future.

## Poovanam: Compassionate Care for Children with Special Needs

For children with special education needs, early diagnosis and therapeutic intervention are paramount. Feathers’ Poovanam program offers professional assistance and motherly care to children with intellectual disabilities. With guidance from experts in the field of rehabilitation and special education, Feathers ensures these children receive the support they need to thrive.

## Karka Kasadara: Empowering Children with Learning Disabilities

Children with learning disabilities face unique challenges, often leading to academic underachievement. Feathers’ Karka Kasadara program partners with mainstream schools to provide specialized care and attention. Through appropriate remedial education and training at the primary level, these children are given the opportunity to succeed academically and build a brighter future.

## Vaanavil: Nurturing Creative Exploration

Feathers’ Vaanavil program introduces an art-integrated learning approach. It encourages children to explore their creativity at their own pace, both in visual and performing arts. By engaging in activities such as drawing, painting, music, dance, and theatre, children gain a deeper understanding of various concepts, fostering creativity and self-expression.

## Ainthinai Arivom: Learning from Nature

Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of ancient Tamil civilization, Feathers has designed an environmental action and education program called Ainthinai Arivom. This initiative helps children connect with nature, understand ecosystems, biodiversity, and their interdependence with our livelihoods. It instills a sense of responsibility and care for the environment.

Enabling Inclusion® App Onboarding NGO training:

FEATHERS  has launched a brand new Community Based Early Intervention program in Thirumangalam block  in the Madurai District with support of Thoughtworks. The program aims to enroll 250 new children from the CBR program.  Feathers  is adopting the Enabling Inclusion® App Transdisciplinary version and model from Amar Seva Sangam to launch the program. The program is starting from scratch. One Special educator, one PT, 6 Community Rehabilitation Workers and 1 management staff  were newly recruited .

ASSA has not just trained the staff in using the Enabling Inclusion app, but also in how to efficiently start and run a community based program and in how to provide home based rehab services. Training occurred at both the Feathers campus and at ASSA’s program sites incorporating classroom teaching and field visits.

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