Amar Seva’s Enabling Inclusion(R) Program and App presented at C20 summit held on 20, 21st May 2023 at Thiruvananthapuram, India

C20 India 2023 is one of the official Engagement Groups of the G20 that provides a platform for Civil Society Organizations (CSO) around the world to voice people’s aspirations to the world leaders in G20. Various working groups are formed and they are working towards policy recommendations to G20 under the chairmanship of Mata. Amritanandamayi. 

A C20 Summit on Education and Digital Transformation was organized on 20,21st May 2023 at Tiruvanandapuram, India. Amar Seva Sangam was part of the working committee that represented the challenges and policy recommendations for education of children with disabilities in all the online meetings. Amar Seva Sangam’s Enabling Inclusion(R) model was chosen as one of the best Udaharan of grass root initiatives.

Mr. S. Ramakrishnan- Padmashree Awardee and the Founder of Amar Seva Sangam along with Ms. Navamani V, the lead for the implementation of Enabling Inclusion Program presented the model at the summit on 20th May 2023. This presentation was well received and appreciated by the audience.

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