UNICEF AND WHO Nurturing Care Framework
Amar Seva Sangam’s Enabling Inclusion program has partnered with UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation at the University of Toronto to assist in the production of a Nurturing Care Framework Thematic Brief for children with developmental disabilities by identifying how to integrate nurturing care practices into existing systems.
ASSA is a partner organization in developing this brief and commissioned stakeholder consultation of parents of children with developmental disabilities in rural India in order to help produce this brief which will identify where specific considerations for children with developmental delays and disabilities can be incorporated into health, nutrition, protection, and education services that serve young children (0-3) and their families.
Amar Seva Sangam’s Enabling Inclusion program is assisting the World Health Organization develop a Package of Interventions (PIR) for Rehabilitation for Cerebral Palsy (CP). The PIR will provide relevant information on interventions for rehabilitation to support ministries of health in planning, budgeting, and integrating evidence-based rehabilitation into health systems.
ASSA will utilize our expertise in child rehab to help the WHO develop evidence-based interventions addressing impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions, as well as personal and environmental factors (including assistive technology) that have an impact on functioning. This PIR will provide sets of interventions designed to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with CP in interaction with their environment.
United Nations
Amar Seva Sangam partnered with United Nations India to lead 5 multi stakeholder consultations across Southern Indian region on ‘Mainstreaming Disability Inclusion in Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.